Gefühlsmonster Akademie | Impulskurse

What about my Needs? - Self-Care with the Gefühlsmonsters


In our care for and around others, we sometimes tend to forget to look after our own needs. However, we can only really be there for others in the long term if we are in a good physical, mental and emotional state ourselves.

This seminar provides some playful and profound impulses on how we can act in a self-caring way in everyday life and how we can consciously manage our own, sometimes contradictory, needs, also with the help of the Gefühlsmonsters.

Suitable for all

Startdatum 28.10.2024
Zeit 18:00 – 19:00
Preis EUR 30,00
Ort Online

Freie Plätze 12
Anmeldeschluss 28.10.2024 17:30
Status Für Anmeldungen geöffnet
Nummer ON1-SCENG-241028
Nr. Datum Zeit Leiter*in Ort Beschreibung
1 28.10.2024 18:00 – 19:00 Daisy Krüger Online Me and my Needs - Self-Care with the Gefühlsmonsters