The Gefühlsmonsters on tour in Rwanda

Today, our trainer from the Gefühlsmonster Academy, Alina Juch, tells you about her work at a center for young people with mental disabilities in Rwanda:

“Since March 2024, the Gefühlsmonsters – or “the friends”, as they are known locally – have moved into the A.V.E.H. Umurerwa center in Nyamata, Rwanda. Around 20 children, teenagers and young adults with mental disabilities live at the center. In addition, A.V.E.H Umurerwa is in contact with 94 families who have a child with mental disabilities and live in Nyamata and the surrounding area. Depending on where they live, these families are organized into parent groups that strengthen themselves both psychosocially and economically.

In March 2024, Alina offered an impulse session for the six educators and the local Inclusive Education teacher. Alina has been friends with the director of the center, Cécile UMUNYANA, for several years. They had lots of fun getting to know the cards (the “25 new friends”). Alina: “The cards simply invite interaction and exchange. What’s more, the teachers at the A.V.E.H Umurerwa center know how to play.” They immediately thought about which cards would suit which child/employee at the center and why – they acted out postures and discussed the feelings behind some of the cards. Accompanied by further practical, guided games, an attitude was conveyed when using the cards that provides space for exchange, creativity and development.

The final question as to whether “the friends” should move into the center was answered with a clear “Yes!”. And the Gefühlsmonsters themselves are also happy about their new home – only card no. 10

had to be persuaded a little longer and taken by the hand by no. 18 ;-).

The children, teenagers and young adults are currently playing a lot with the cards (poster, mini card set and card set A4) – talking to them, choosing their feelings, becoming aware of feelings in their bodies and sorting the cards into different categories. In this way, feelings are perceived with a new lightness and joy.”

Here are some impressions from Alina’s work:

If you would like to find out more about A.V.E.H Umurerwa, you can find an article here: A.V.E.H Umurerwa