A school’s social worker reported:
“A highly engaged class teacher once asked me, in my function as a social worker, for ideas to help Martina overcome her math test anxiety. Martina understands the problems well, but she draws a blank during a test. The teacher had already explained relaxation techniques to the entire class, but I thought of using the Gefühlsmonster cards as well.
Using this set of cards, I began to draw out the emotions Martina usually experiences, initially focusing on the less pleasant feelings, such as the fear prior to the test, and then moving on to the emotions that help her focus. “Which one of these cards gives you courage and tells you: ‘I can do this, this is easy for me’?” She showed me the monster that gives a “thumbs up (number 24).” Next, I asked her if putting this card in her folder might help her remember that she can do well on this test. She said she wanted to try it next time.
Approx. 4 months later, I asked Martina if the monster card had helped her during quizzes and exams. She responded with sparkling eyes: “I got a B+ on my math quiz and it helps me in other areas, too!”
Author: a school’s social worker