Have you ever wondered where the colorful and expressive Gefühlsmonster picture from Africa on our home page comes from? For many years, the Gefühlsmonsters have maintained an active cooperation with the project “Akiiki” of the Belgian Marijke D’Herde in Uganda. Since then, packages with Gefühlsmonster materials start their long journey to Africa at regular intervals. […]
Feelings – why listening helps
Would it help you to be asked how you are doing from time to time? It’s not for nothing that we usually answer the question “how are you?” with something like “quite well,” “okay,” or something similar. Although, if we would think a little longer, we should rather say “I am often quite desperate”, “I […]
Listening to you
Dear reader, I will tell you right away that this will be one of the longer newsletters. Today more on the subject of feelings :-). For about a year now I have been preoccupied with how many professionals in our seminars encounter so many children and adults with needs that they cannot meet Another year […]
Feelings letter “Good feelings on order”
If you have a moment, why don’t you read what I just experienced? I was actually tidying up my desk, which was urgently needed. Then something occurred to me (actually it is something I wrote in my book “Sometimes Feelings are Monsters”) that I immediately put into practice.And because I felt so good doing it […]
Client: “I can’t find any answers to your questions today. I feel nothing and am just empty.” While he was talking, I laid out cards that I like to work with in times of speechlessness: Gefühlsmonsters. And while I was still laying the cards, the client suddenly smiled. Client: “Yes exactly that…”pointing to one of […]