With this report, I would like to tell you a little about my experiences with this play.
Exactly one year ago in September 2023, Mirijam Dzaack, the director of the Nimmerland Theatre Company, came to our Gefühlsmonster headquarters to talk about a possible collaboration. She wanted to use her play “The darned cheese sandwich” to teach primary school children about the importance of feelings, and she thought the Gefühlsmonsters were a great way to illustrate this.
I read her script – and loved it! My part was to develop materials for the teachers so that the children could be well supported after the theatre in integrating what they had experienced.
We then had to wait until 21 May 2024 before we could finally see the finished piece, together with 150 children from a primary school, on the opening night. You can see us here, happy after the premiere: four colleagues from Gefühlsmonster headquarters, together with the actress and the composer of the accompanying music.

An important part of the performance is that the main character, Hans, experiences an emotional crisis and the children are allowed to help him overcome this crisis during the play (of course, we won’t give away any more than that :-)).

He talks a lot about the fight with a friend, which he is suffering from – and finally, a reconciliation is on the horizon.
When the actress sings “We are a team again” (by Ruben Dietze, who composed all the songs) – it brings tears to my eyes… Feelings, feelings, feelings! The children experience how good it is to give up the fight, how much love there is in a reconciliation. The atmosphere in the room, supported by the music, captivates all the children, who join in singing!
This is what I wrote to Mirijam afterwards:
What a wonderful experience to be part of the premiere this morning! I am impressed by how the piece manages with only one person acting! Anna Maria Benzing did a great job of establishing contact with the children, they were totally absorbed in the play and took part in it a lot. The piece turned out great and gives me hope that a lot of children will get even more access to their feelings through it. The music makes the whole thing a thrilling experience. Thank you again, dear Mirijam Dzaack, for asking us!
At the end of the play, the children are asked to draw a Gefühlsmonster for the character Hans and send it to the theatre group.
On 4 August 2024, I saw an Instagram post from Nimmerland with a series of self-drawn Gefühlsmonsters, super expressive, from terrible to sad to heartwarmingly happy. So beautiful!
Here are some examples:

I wrote:
Dear Mirjam, today’s Instagram post with the children’s pictures moved me to tears and made me very happy: you are doing wonderful social work! The children will be better able to help themselves in difficult situations through your play, Rubens’ music and the fact that they now know how to expressively depict an emotion! I hope your play reaches many, many children!
For our work of making the Gefühlsmonsters better known internationally, I asked Mirijam for a few numbers. Here is her answer (as of Septemberr 10, 2024):
Performances up to the summer break 24, audience: approx. 3,800
Performances for the year 2024 (including those yet to come): 46, audience: approx. 7,300
For next year, the play has already been booked 36 times…!!!
What can I say… – take a look at the theatre group’s website (in German): www.nimmerland.eu/das-verflixte-kaesebrot
You can also download the materials for teachers and the rousing music there (all in German). All the songs are great for singing along (just a little warning: “We’re a team again” is very moving…).