Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
A supervisor sent us the following feedback about working with the Gefühlsmonster cards relating to the topic “motivation”. (Maybe it will motivate you to try the short exercise?) Here is his report: “Some time ago I encountered the topic “My motivation is at a low, what now?”. My idea to approach this subject with the […]
We have now uploaded the latest of our “first steps”-papers – this one specifically for teachers working with pre-school children from the age of 3 to around 6. Have a look for yourself, this paper is brimming with ideas on how to use the Gefühlsmonster cards in different situations that are relevant for younger children […]
We are very glad to inform you that our “First steps for couples” paper is ready for you to download free of charge! Thank you Willow Toccata from Vancouver for the translation! Interested? You can find it here https://www.gefuehlsmonster.de/en/couples/ We wish you good insights and common understanding. And would be glad to receive your feedback […]
We received the following feedback from a kindergarten teacher. We were very touched to hear how naturally the kids already discuss unpleasant feelings and how they also do not shy away from the challenging topic of empathising: “The kids at our kindergarten always look forward to it when we bring in the Gefühlsmonster cards to […]
These are his first words when Max Krause (names and circumstances made anonymous) enters my office, two years after beginning to use the Gefühlsmonster® Cards in his conversations. Max Krause has been managing a clinic with around 100 staff members for four and a half years together with his partner. In order to accomplish a […]