Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
Would it help you to be asked how you are doing from time to time? It’s not for nothing that we usually answer the question “how are you?” with something like “quite well,” “okay,” or something similar. Although, if we would think a little longer, we should rather say “I am often quite desperate”, “I […]
Dear reader, I will tell you right away that this will be one of the longer newsletters. Today more on the subject of feelings :-). For about a year now I have been preoccupied with how many professionals in our seminars encounter so many children and adults with needs that they cannot meet Another year […]
If you have a moment, why don’t you read what I just experienced? I was actually tidying up my desk, which was urgently needed. Then something occurred to me (actually it is something I wrote in my book “Sometimes Feelings are Monsters”) that I immediately put into practice.And because I felt so good doing it […]
Read here about how Gefühlsmonster® cards can support you in discovering new aspects about yourself or when dealing with personal matters at home: “I recently received a set of Gefühlsmonster® cards as a gift and, looking through them, fell instantly in love with the little guys. But since I do not work in a therapeutic […]