Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
To kick off our Summer Academy, the first Expert Talk took place on July 15, 2022 – Antje Vorndran spoke with Alina Juch about how she used the Gefühlsmonsters during her travels in East Africa and what she experienced. From a different way of dealing with emotions, to very different meanings for individual cards, to […]
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The Gefühlsmonsters find their place at the Kappeln Family Center and help teach Ukrainian children the German language. We are touched – In such a difficult time for the children, they find a way to share their feelings and get to know a foreign language. Author Doris Ambrosius writes the following in her article in […]
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Some time ago, we were able to introduce the team of the Marienpflege Ellwangen (a daycare and assisted living village for children and adolescents) to working with the Gefühlsmonster® cards in an online seminar. In concrete terms, the aim was to train the staff in the use of the Gefühlsmonsters in their particular area and […]
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For all of you who would like to know more about the Gefühlsmonsters, about how they help to realize one’s own feelings, about easier conversation starters and about the relation between thoughts and feelings we offer a new seminar on Monday 27th of June, 6-7 pm CET. It’s free! Please let us know if you […]
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Would it help you to be asked how you are doing from time to time? It’s not for nothing that we usually answer the question “how are you?” with something like “quite well,” “okay,” or something similar. Although, if we would think a little longer, we should rather say “I am often quite desperate”, “I […]
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