
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.

Gefühlsmonsters in Pre-Schools

Feedback from a pre-school teacher: “We used the A4 cards in the children’s conference with 5- and 6-year-old children – and assumed, as is often the case, that they would just share the view of the previous speakers. Instead, the following happened: A young girl burst into tears and used this round to describe a […]

Classics with feeling

Here is a report from a German secondary school: “Yesterday I discovered and used the Gefühlsmonster cards for a new application. In seventh grade, we’re currently working on Goethe’s “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”. We tried to imagine the state of mind of the sorcerer’s apprentice, to perceive how it significantly changes during the ballad and we […]