
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.

Use in an anti-bullying unit

This feedback from a school just arrived today: “On Monday I used the Gefühlsmonster Cards in an anti-bullying unit. The students were asked to pick a card in the beginning of the class which represents their feelings on the topic of bullying. One student chose a happy, cool monster. After being asked about the reason […]

The waiter and the devil

Look what happened when a processwork friend of ours went to eat in a Swiss restaurant and talked with a friend about the Gefühlsmonster® cards: “Me and my friend went to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Zurich near the Volkshaus looking for some good food at a reasonable price. After dinner I took […]

The story of Sara

Ms. Schroeter-Rupieper works in her grief support groups with the Gefühlsmonster cards and has provided us with this story of Sara: “Sara’s mum has been in a coma for the last six months after a heart attack. In grief counselling, she is asked if she can find a card which describes the current feelings for […]