
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.

Feelings without words

Many of us are dealing with the current changes in our country, due to the influx of refugees into Germany, and think about how the people who are allowed to and might want to stay here can successfully integrate themselves. In this regard, it is first and foremost necessary to facilitate understanding – maybe some […]

The 90-year old mother – a surprising story about arms under the blanket, eating too much food and not wanting to go to the eye doctor….

A letter from a high school teacher about what she experienced with her 90-year old mother: “Dear friend, Sadly, I couldn’t call you today because I only just returned from my mother’s home. She is now 90 years old and insists on living by herself, which is difficult to accept for us, her three children. […]