Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.
Recently, we received the following feedback after our Gefühlsmonster Intensiv-Workshop (held in German): “Thank you very much again for the cheerful and inspirational exchange regarding the Gefühlsmonsters. My scepticism towards the monsters is gone. Last night, after the workshop, I met up with some friends and told them excitedly about the many ways the cards […]
We now offer you a set of four different Gefühlsmonster postcards that can be coloured in and individualised by young and old. Decide yourself if you keep your masterpiece or if you want to send it to someone. Card 1: Give each Gefühlsmonster a fitting mouth and fill in the words in the speech bubbles. […]
Here is feedback we received from Bratislava, Slovakia: “I work as a career counselor with a group of homeless people in Bratislava, Slovakia. During one session we were working with managing conflict situations. Participants were asked to play two roles in a conflict of employer and employee. While they were thinking and preparing for […]
Dear friends and customers of the Gefühlsmonsters, We are very happy to present our new Online Shop to you. The new website now not only looks more modern, but also makes ordering all of your favourite Gefühlsmonster products easier and quicker. What’s new? All customers can now also pay via PayPal (of course you […]
“Dear Gefuehlsmonsters! Your cards help us with solving conflicts and bringing up the complicated internal states that sometimes come and won’t easily leave – like anger, sadness, disappointment, excitement etc. We like to play with the monsters this way (with kids as little as 2 years old): We put all the cards together and think of a […]