
Here you will find news relating to the Gefühlsmonsters and ideas for using them, notices about workshops, user feedback and much more.

Happy Easter!

To all of you very happy, relaxed Easter days! We thank you for many friendly and inspiring contacts where you tell us such wonderful experiences as the story about the Monster Friend to Hide Behind like in the next article. With love, the Gefuehlsmonsters Team

A Monster Friend to Hide Behind

We received the following feedback from a kindergarten teacher: “At our kindergarten, we regularly come together in a lunchtime circle, a place where the children and teachers can discuss all the things big and small that were important during our day. One of our five-year old boys had been coming to our lunchtime circle for […]

Upper-Secondary School Students Use Gefühlsmonsters for Feedback

We recently received the following user feedback from a teacher at a German upper secondary school. A big thank you to Mrs Rath-Arnold for allowing us to share this feedback on our website. “Dear Mrs Höch-Corona, I wanted to send you a little feedback on the Gefühlsmonster cards: Recently, I taught a two-week ZRM-self-coaching project […]

Feedback from our Gefühlsmonster Intensiv-Workshop

Recently, we received the following feedback after our Gefühlsmonster Intensiv-Workshop (held in German): “Thank you very much again for the cheerful and inspirational exchange regarding the Gefühlsmonsters. My scepticism towards the monsters is gone. Last night, after the workshop, I met up with some friends and told them excitedly about the many ways the cards […]

New in our Online Shop: Colour-In Postcards

We now offer you a set of four different Gefühlsmonster postcards that can be coloured in and individualised by young and old. Decide yourself if you keep your masterpiece or if you want to send it to someone. Card 1: Give each Gefühlsmonster a fitting mouth and fill in the words in the speech bubbles. […]