Case Studies

You want to know what others did with the Gefühlsmonster cards? How they introduced them in their particular area of application or how they use them specifically?

Below you can find a list of case studies for inspiration.

If you want to try out the cards for yourself, check out our Gefühlsmonster Online Toolbox for free.

Short film “Gefühlsmonsters in Kindergarten”

Working with the Gefühlsmonster® Cards in kindergartens and daycare centers

Gefühlsmonsters go Hilti

Team development and internal relations with the Gefühlsmonster® Cards

The Gefühlsmonsters can make your own work flourish

A conversation with Susanne Sachse, head of HR of a large German company

“Never again without these cards!”

Gefühlsmonsters facilitating team communication

A card as a reminder that there is always support

Gefühlsmonsters in school social work

Pyjama Party – Gefühlsmonsters at home

Forging deeper personal connections with the cards