Happy Easter!

To all of you very happy, relaxed Easter days! We thank you for many friendly and inspiring contacts where you tell us such wonderful experiences as the story about the Monster Friend to Hide Behind like in the next article. With love, the Gefuehlsmonsters Team

Gefühlsmonsters available in Finland!

The Educa Fair in Helsinki was great, people interested in the Monster Cards and fun with the Larum women who gave us the possibility to be present at their stand. Thank you again, Inger Tallgard and Ulla Stina Aman for all your help and enthousiasm! So from now on, you can order the Gefühlsmonster Cards […]

The Gefühlsmonsters in Helsinki!

Today and tomorrow (January 29. and 30. 2016)  the Gefühlsmonsters are guests of Lärum – Finnish publisher in the Swedish speaking part of Finland- at the Educa Fair in Helsinki! A huge, fantastic fair with all sorts of didactic materials, great! If only I could understand Finnish or Swedish – I am glad that everybody […]