Dear reader, the most exciting seminar this week for me was the rehearsal of the Pre- School seminar “Child crying – what to do?” Due to our switch to online courses, it was now possible that the experienced daycare center director Jana Benz did not have to come to Berlin for a seminar but could […]

Gefühlsmonster – The Beginning

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Gefühlsmonsters, Lilli Höch-Corona, the founder, tells how it all came about. How she had the idea and together with her son Christian Corona developed and published the Gefühlsmonsters. Have fun watching!


Sorry we did not succeed to have English subtitles for the video, so we decided to have the transcript translated. The talk is about thoughts and feelings, body perception, thankfulness and stress-reducing exercises. Silvia: Hello, here is Silvia with an exciting interview partner: This is Lilli from Berlin. Lilli’s theme is: your thoughts create your […]

“Why I am so exited about the Gefühlsmonster Cards.”

Thomas Fehr, Coach, Personnel Developer, Supervisor from Konstanz, sent us this report last week: “A few days ago, a colleague asked me what I love about the Gefühlsmonsters. Maybe I can illustrate this with the following example from my everyday coaching: In the course of a coaching we also talked about the private situation of […]

Happy New Year!

At the end of this year we would like to take this opportunity and say thank you. First of all to you, who used the Gefuehlsmonster cards in 2018 and thus carried them a little further into the world. To all those who with their enthusiasm have infected others and thus promoted our cards. Thanks […]