
In therapeutic settings, the Gefühlsmonsters are used similarly as in coaching. It is often reported that a conversation through the Gefühlsmonster® cards gets more easily under way – at the same time it is in the hands of the therapist to use the cards only when a confrontation with one’s own feelings is acceptable.

User feedback

2016-01-31 21.17.49

In touch with all parts

We received this touching and pioneering feedback from a client – she is known to us, of course, but will be unnamed here. She gave permission to publish it here to help others in her situation and to encourage professionals to integrate this tool into their work.

“Besides the use of the cards in my work with youth groups I also employ them for myself. My past includes severe sexual abuse resulting in dissociative identity disorder.”

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If you would like to get acquainted with and try the Gefühlsmonster® cards for yourself before working with them, below you will find instructions (PDF) for you to download free of charge.

First steps consulting and training (Download)